I'm reading "S" By JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst. It's the most unique reading experience I've ever had. Take a look!
Mark Danielewski is one of my favorite authors if you think HOL was an interesting read try Only Revolutions it was one of the most challenging books I have ever read. I loved every second of it. He is also the brother of the music performer Poe
I read Only Revolutions a few years back, and agree it took some work to get through. I've got a copy of House of Leaves somewhere that I need to get around to at some point.
If you're into long form poetry, there's Sharp Teeth, which is about werewolves in LA.
And The Raw Shark Texts is another interesting read.
Just finished Douglas Coupland's latest:
Worst. Person. Ever.
In my opinion, it's Coupland back to his best. Thought he wobbled a bit with Generation A - recycling his past too much. And Player One might have worked as a speech, but as a book it just felt too padded out…
Currently reading Terry Pratchett's Monstrous Regiment as a bit of light reading. Wanted something 'comfortable' to read. I was going to start getting through my backlog of recently purchased books, but decided something familiar would be better. I'll add a photo or two tomorrow.
I used to be a big fan of Coupland haven't read anything by him since Eleanor Rigby
I do like his early works a lot, whether that's just due to the fact that it was my father who introduced me to his work and he has everything from Generation X up to Life after God. Then I bought him every subsequent book (it's very easy to buy presents for book lovers :)) I don't know. I reckon that girlfriend in a coma has the best ending of any book I have ever read…
Loved girlfriend in coma
A friend just bought me a William Gibson Trilogy (Pattern Recognition, Zero History and Spook Country). Looking forward to giving them a try as they come so highly recommended and seem so relevant to the things we all love.
Maharishi book on camo by hardy blechman! Was bloody hard to get hold of and its a lovely book (although very fucking geeky)
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Maharishi book on camo by hardy blechman! Was bloody hard to get hold of and its a lovely book (although very fucking geeky)
Wow, that looks epic.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I paid £100 for it new, that was why it was so difficult to get! Remember when it was sixty quid on amazon :-(. Went in the maha shop but hardy is refusing to sell them directly now
local shop in Kingston still had a few copies in their warehouse! There is still one left as far as I know if anyone is interested but I was told that there is some damage to the cover. If so let me know and I will go in to the shop and have a chat with them and pick it up. Really great book!!!!
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Ok old chap will pop in there tomorrow. Send me a pm with how best to get in touch and I can go in and ask what condition it's in and double check with you before buying!
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Lovely little book by Horitomo…..
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