What's your favorite Beer?
I'm in a new pub which has just opened 2 minutes from my house, look what they sell….
And now….
Any of you guys tried Dieu du Ciel beers?
Consistently greatNeed: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/dieu-du-ciel-grande-noirceur/32215/
What did you think of the Arabier, urb?
I thought it was great. I had the st bernardus abt 12 after and thought it was better.
I love that Berny 12 Abt, I haven't tried the Arabier yet but might do so tonight.
My local supermarket had their last 2 lonely Chimay Blue sat on the shelf gathering dust…..not any more.
It's 7.8% and has a MASSIVE chocolate aftertaste. I quite like it dude.
Should mention that it's a bitter chocolate taste rather than creamy.