Anyone here play video games?
I executive produce this video game web show that creates a new retro video game video every other week. It's hosted and edited by my bf and his friend. Please check it out and I hope you enjoy it & subscribe.
Here is a trailer for the show:
i wonder if this is real:
Has German self-restraint (and self-respect) gone the same way as the British these days? Those stupid people need a damn good slap.
There was a time when I would buy a SNES cartridge and let it sit in open view, still in its wrapping, for a few hours while my flatmates salivated and thought I was mad.
i wonder if this is real:
Has German self-restraint (and self-respect) gone the same way as the British these days? Those stupid people need a damn good slap.
There was a time when I would buy a SNES cartridge and let it sit in open view, still in its wrapping, for a few hours while my flatmates salivated and thought I was mad.
Ha. Looked like fun.
My buddy just released this game for Mac/PC and Mobile. Check it out. Visually it's pretty great. I've only played a little of it but it seems pretty awesome so far.
^ That looks interesting urbanwoodsman. Thanks for posting/plugging :).
I really enjoyed the trailer and its soundtrack, and that's coming from someone who's been playing video games since they were invented. It's definitely going on my list of games to consider playing.
Edit: If anyone likes the music from the trailer, it can be purchased here:
Finally beat the desert palace boss in "a link between worlds" really had a difficult time beating him must have taken 15 attempts. Really enjoying this game. Great story, puzzles and game play. Everything I ask for in a Zelda game.
Just completed The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. This game was an epic ride. I seriously don't remember a better rush gaming since The Maw in Halo: Combat Evolved. I had sweaty palms fighting Yuga in the final boss battle. I highly recommend this game to the Zelda enthusiast as well as anyone who is a gamer.
Just started Professor Layton & The Curious Village. I thought I was relatively intelligent until I started playing this game. The puzzles are really challenging and command you to think in a different way. My understanding is the entire Professor Layton series is amazing.
Putting Professor Layton on hold (takes too much brain power) starting Bravely Default demo & Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles… The one game I regret not buying for my Wii before I sold it :(. I was disappointed by Xenosaga Episode I though. Xenogears was and will always remain my favourite RPG.
Inching my way through ACIV: BF at the moment. As the only Assassin's Creed game I've ever played I can't say I'm too enthralled by the story... The stealth mechanics are ok, playing it more as an open-world adventure at the moment. My only other PS4 game is Resogun... which I really, really like despite being crap at. Ever since Konami's Gradius IV I've harboured a belief that if only I played them often enough I'd become good at shoot-em ups if only through repetition. It hasn't proven true - I persist anyway...
My PS3 games have completely fallen by the wayside... I tried MGS3: Snake Eater the other day: "I've been playing Assassin's Creed" I reasoned, "I'll ghost past these Soviet-era guards, they won't know I'm here until I choke them to death". Didn't really work :(. After the fourth death by crocodile - It took me at least six attempts to reach the first couple of guards - I decided to leave MGS until I have some time off work.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (the game that really needs another title) is released in February. I bought the Castlevania: Collection so I could replay the first game and it's sequel (LoS2 being the third and last game in Mercury Steam's reimagined Castlevania trilogy) It's still in it's shrink-wrap...
And GTA:V - which I bought in September?? Still at 16%...
Resident Evil: Revelations?? Still on the first boss... Too frustrated by the control scheme (which is my excuse for being too scared by the first boss).
The last game I bought and sort of completed to my satisfaction?? Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, which is known to be a short game :(. Before that it was probably Resident Evil 6...
I am terrible at completing games...
Ok ramble over...
Amazing game