What's your favorite Beer?
My New Year of drinking begins !!!
Shark Pants is go!!!!
Very hoppy, but it doesn't fully conceal the alcohol taste (it's 9%). The flavour is very full, quite rich and leaves a very slightly acidic/ citrus after taste. I like it a lot, reminds me of a Brew Dog Punk IPA on steroids.
Speaking of Brewdog IPA, decided to crack open my bottle of their Old World IPA. Fantastic stuff, a really citrusy aftertaste. Despite the "high" (for the U.K) abv more like a session beer. Probably just as well I only have the one. Also I have to be in work in 9hrs…
And my resolution for this year was going to be less beer... Maybe I'll change that to more exercise...
Mega, Seul, MorP. Where were you between midnight and 02:00 GMT on Monday?
BrewDog beers stolen in Billericay warehouse raid
Not guilty your honour, but if anyone knows where I can pick a case or two up cheap please drop me a line
This I spotted on the link interests me though…....
Well it's gone ok for you so far G, so looks like a good decision.
Vintage 2013 edition.
Does he offer a Seul-esque import service? ???