Damn, that's one hell of a paint job; must have taken ages.
The paint is not to my taste but I sure appreciate the time and work that went into it. The lines on that one tho, very nice
love the triumph
thats fantastic id love one of those machines
it is 1973, never restored with only 8100km original
here is my mini moto, I'm passionate about these little machine before 1980.
I have four from 1973 to 1978I love this bike, my old man had a CT70 for years that I absolutely loved.
I put some new bars on the scoot, went with unknurled to save a tiny bit a money so wish me luck when they wrench out of place on the first bump and I dump it on an icy road since I'm riding it on icy roads right now because I'm impatient and don't wanna wait for spring.
Also, for those who like the cold weather riding, I highly recommend these GI cold weather masks, they keep your face warm and make you look like a necromancer. Also help with the intense pollution here on the Wasatch Front in Utah.
im cold just looking at that picture
god i havent seen a coffin tank on a bike for ages allthough i think denvers in colorado were quite partial to them