White's Boots
Very nice collection you have there.
Brown dress ends up looking even better
I can tell you BH and SD are the same but, I think BH is on the SD last
Brown dress ends up looking even better
this is why I'm getting brown dress next time i buy.
Thanks bluegrass
I find that the SJ last (whatever number it is), fits me a half size smaller than the #55 / SD last.
My first pair of Whites Semi Dress in British Tan came in today. They look amazing.
How are they supposed to fit? I ordered a 10B according to how Josh measured my tracings. He said my right foot was a solid size 10 and my left was on the border between a size 9-1/2 to a 10 but it didn't warrant me to get two different sizes. Josh was spot on on the width though. Which surprised me since I don't think i've ever bought a shoe with a narrow width.
Although to me they seem a little long. Where is the arch ease supposed to be at. It seems too far forward to me and there seems to be alot of room in front of my toes. I called Josh at Bakers up and he said that this is how the Semi Dress should fit and to wear they around the house for a while and get used to them first. If I stand up in them untied my foot slides forward a bit and the arch ease seems to be in a better place.
Should this be how they're supposed when they're new?
Wow, its hard to say, but for sure follow their advice and wear them awhile - if you've never had a shoe with a pronounced arch (most people haven't) they will feel different, maybe your arches will ache a bit at first. But it should resolve quickly. And your toes def. shouldn't touch the ends of the boots, but it sounds like they could possibly be a bit too long. You could try an insole, or even heavy socks.
What size shoes/boots do you normally wear? A lot of folks say go a 1/2 size down from what you usually wear, and that was the case for me. So if you normally wear a 10,and these are a 10, they could be a bit too long.
Take my post with a grain of salt as the feeling of a "perfect fit" is completely subjective, dependent on one's own personal feel but fwiw, my two cents are that whites should fit snug in the heel (literally cupped in type feel), the arch will fall into place right on the arches, and you'll have plenty of room in the toe. I do have the ability to "slide" forward in mine when not laced up, but the arch and lacing up should stop this from happening. I have about a thumb's width from the toe of the boot to my actual toe inside and they fit like a dream.
As aho describes is exactly how my White's fit, and I thought they were the most comfortable boots I've owned.
Whites Boots 6" Cougar, Black Rough Out, silver hardware, single midsole, halfslip, standard welt, and Giles personal favorite 2021 Vibram Sole
Thank you Sascha!!! Now I need a IHSH-85, save one for me