IHSH-99 - Overdyed 17oz Selvedge Denim Shirt/Jacket
Beautiful. Would not mind this one as well. Even though I got the ihsh-76.
And you know what? That would not be a silly thing to do. I had an indigo and an overdyed one at the same time (someone persuaded my to let them have the indigo one - I must have been drunk) and both got worn A LOT…
I'm glad this will be extant because it is on my list. However my wife is watching my every purchase so it will have to wait at least a couple weeks.
Way to go "big-ish" guys!!
Now for the rest of you feckers…..GET ON IT!!!
28 left, start buyin -
We doin "good cop-bad cop" Sean?
Was dithering about sizing all day as wasn't sure it would work! Seems that fate has decided for me!!!!!
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Damit. Missed out on the XXXL. Crap.
Pics ??? Mine won't be here til Monday so I need something to tide me over.