Anyone here play video games?
I thought Halo 3 was really disappointing, but I did love 1, 2, and ODST.
Reach has been my favorite
Can't recommend Fez enough, it's finally available on Playstation.
Started playing it this weekend, loving it!
Time to destroy some Titans!!!!
Buy the xbox one and come play titanfalls
can't decide on whether to buy a ps4 now or wait. the game list doesnt look that fantastic atm honestly
Almost started a VG thread this morning until I discovered this. Own both ps4 and xbone and am in the minority of what the trend seems to be but I will be using my xbone for my multi platform games. The overall feel + controller leans me this way but don't has some exclusives that I could not live without so recently acquired my ps4 and working on inFamous:SS on it and AC4 on the xbone…. That is....until watchdogs drops.... Im elated for this game
@tatmantall my xbox gamertag is derivative666 send me a request. I just switched to xbox and have few people to play with.
Everyone else please add me as well.
Will do D, my kid woke up a bit ago and has taken control for the time being but as soon as I'm back I I'll send that request over… Or... If your on before me my GT is Tatmantall24
I will be tomorrow
It'll be in my hands tomorrow!