~9 months
Worn on and off in the spring. I've been wearing them again for a month now that I'm back in MN and it's cold and snowy. You can see the salt lines are still there. I probably should have given them a good polishing earlier but I've been so busy.
pre polish
post polish
Bounty Hunters, dress and rough out.
One year has passed. My boots still feel bulletproof.
12 mo update
1950 Viberg Service Boot / Burg & Schild
Black oil tan / icy mocha cxl
Dainite Sole -
Fair play Mike, I've hardly worn my Bounty Hunters for a while.
Still on….
My first serious day of wear since giving them a much needed coating of LP. I guess I should have done before and after but oh well. I did change out the leather laces for some Chippewa waxed cord since the leathers tend to be a pain in the ass to loosen up.
End of the year update. I have worn these 3-4 times a week on average since the beginning. A fresh coat of OB LP and they are ready to tackle the salt strewn streets this winter.
Thanks Snowy!