Ya man i agree. Rockhold with the slick reversal then into a triangle and finally worked in a kimura!!! Wow. Rumble looked awesome against davis(hate him too), although i wish anthony would have finished. Now, onto jones (head shake). The guy is a great fighter and is one of the most athletic guys in the ufc but looks like hes startin on gsp's path and just tryin to KEEP the belt not win fights. And the dude does and says some stupid shit man. Makes it hard to like him. If he was still destroying people amd finishing fights id let the idiotic antics slide
Hahaha. Ya, but u cant let him do it. Glover's fault. He could have done soooo much better if he wasnt head hunting the whole time
Lol. Im down bro. I get every ppv here so if u wanna drive about 7hrs north u r more than welcome haha
I really cant see Joe passing the drug test lol
Ya eh? Cant say im suprised. Would have been cool to see
Did you watch the last UFC? Barrao/Dillishaw
I hate DC. But he man handled hendo like ive never seen. Thats impressive. Also hated dillishaw while he was on TUF but hes cooled his shitty attitude quite a bit the last year. He looked outstanding. Great fight. Lil guida/cruz mixture to his style
DC is the new GSP for me. Was much more exciting before, has been becoming more of a wrestler again and playing it safe. He's good at it so it serves him well, just not the fans.
Dillashaw was impressive and NOBODY saw that coming. If you say you did you're a bold faced liar! And the Alpha Male troll of Barao on instagram was classic!
DC is the new GSP for me. Was much more exciting before, has been becoming more of a wrestler again and playing it safe. He's good at it so it serves him well, just not the fans.
Dillashaw was impressive and NOBODY saw that coming. If you say you did you're a bold faced liar! And the Alpha Male troll of Barao on instagram was classic!
bagley are you high?
that was anything but gsp wrestling from cormier
that was super aggressive . always looking to finish
and he did finish
putting hendo on his back is just plain smart no matter who you areside note
joe rogan "i have never seen anyone out wrestle henderson like this before"
i guess he didn't watch the jake shields fight? -
Theres another goof. Haaaate Jake Shields. #1 boringest fighter of all time. Glad he got cut.