Giles's Swim for Charity
Did 80 minutes this morning and was given some really good advice.
The last few times when I have got out of the sea, my legs have been hardly able to support my weight. It is not a good look when you cruise up to the beach, surprise the sun worshippers who do not know where you have come from and them promptly collapse in front of them…....
I do not (like many open water swimmers) use my legs much. That,in combination with the wetsuit compressing the large muscle in the legs, means that blood is driven out of them and into the muscles that are actually doing the work (chest arm, diaphragm etc). If you just get out after the swim, the leg muscles are too weak to suppoort your weight.
So, for the last 200yards, kick like hell and that gets the blood into them and you can them stroll up the beach "nonchalant grace".
under two hours!