IHF Game 1 - Challenge!
Damn, the secret of the random number generator has been revealed
Challenge 1 will fall on @DanielAFC
And his challenge will be….
Party Boy challenge -
Step 1) Quietly and without drawing attention approach a complete stranger in a public place (shopping center, public park).
Step 2) Then, using your cell phone to play music of your choice, start dancing next to them in an outrageous manner.
Step 3) This should include twerking, body popping, possibly air guitar and a little disco thrown in for good measure.
Step 4) The duration of the dance should be for at least 30 seconds to a minute.
Step 5) When your time is up feel free to dance away from the bemused stranger.
Picture evidence is acceptable, video would be better.
Congratulations @DanielAFC
Tough choice of challenge, but the other one was worse (messier)
Up for it.
This is well out of my comfort zone, so the results should be suitably amusing. Will be getting on with this tomorrow.
Good man
Also get thinking about the next challenge, your turn to dish out the pain
Inspiration from the original Party Boy.
oh boy. i'm kinda jealous.
My thoughts exactly ^^