Hello. I had dinner tonight at DOSA in San Francisco's Mission district with my Mom and cousin. Yes, Self Edge is just 3 blocks away from DOSA but I didn't stop in. Are you fucking kidding me ? I cannot go into SESF every time I'm on Valencia Street…!! cuz, the thing is, when I set foot into that store, I buy shit !
I'm wearing :
Schott Steerhide Perfecto (34)
Oakland Ladies T from www.pure510.com
IH Super Tan Belt from SESF (W32)
IH 301S from SESF (W28)
Sperry Topsiders (6N) -
how is DOSA? i've been wanting to try it everytime i am up there but i generally find myself sitting in Chaya.
My brother and I pumping out the Beats, raping Johnny Cash's soul :o
At The Works…
And the video (I hadda to some things to it, so I hope it works, just crank up da volume foo'):
havingmysay – Dosa is fabulous. Better get there early on a Friday or Saturday night or at least have reservations, since it gets packed pretty quick. The food is truly delish though...check it out !
Seul, it's awesome that you're so close to your brother. I see that you hang out with him as if he were your best friend. I'm also very close to my sister -- though we are very different. It seems like you and your bro are more similar than different.