Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
A lot of great pairs came out of this!
Hi all you denim heads out there
I admire all the great raw denim love, you're giving to all your well loved raw denim projects.As a little gift from the judge you can earn now an additional 200 $ main price and $100 as a fun price if you can answer the 2 questions posted here and on Iron Heart forum tomorrow morning 8:00 am Middle Europe time in Switzerland including daylight saving time in 14 hours
First correct answer will win
Megatron has to verify if you're still in the contest.Best success to all you awesome Heavy weight champs
Ruedi the out of the contest judge
^ Fantastic gesture from a true denim gentleman right there.
So here we go:
The 1. price question:
At which day my IH 25 oz jeans will celebrate my 500 wear day birthday?
I started wearing them every day since March 31 2013 except 10 days holidays in Marocco and a few other days without them. I celebrated also a special wear day back at July 12 2014And the 2. price question: What is the craziest stuff I'm carrying in my never washed jeans since a while?
I guess MaxPower already won that
^^ Beautiful_FrEaK, yeah one part MaxPower made it ha ha,
^And Twin so sorry but bobbo was faster on sufu with correct answer about ketchup bags -
@swiss-jeansfreak i browsed through your IG looking for number 2 answer,no 1 well i'm bad at math.lol. browsing your pics reminded me again of the love for this 25oz.i've heard about how samurai fade fast although i've never experienced it myself,but this mbb is one tough bastard. well good thing about it is at least it will last me for long time and will always be in my wardrobe choice. I've just recently started to break in my IH-LHT 19oz which I don't intent to soak/wash in the beginning and i love so much of that indigo.looks so beautiful. so that was actually started dividing my loving attention to the MBB.but your IG gallery have rekindled my almost gone love for the MBB.
by the way, here's an update of my MBB. firstly is the wash challenge;
no gimmick, no special delicate care.
obenauf first!I do love that thick leather,too bad they're cracking up.
No specific setting, temp spin or etc.just wash them.This washing was done after I've worn the MBB on a very dirty/sweaty activities. I worn them during my shooting but now I'm limiting to only urban/city shooting. If those jeans could talk,they would shout out how stink and sticky my ass is when i sweat cause of the weather and also the thickness. :|
so last few weeks in august I was travelling to Borneo for a shoot, 2 different places with very contrasting weather. one is cool on a hill one is damn hot although near the river. I only wore the MBB during the travelling part,due to the fact if the jeans got wet,gonna weigh a ton on my legs and also drying them up before goin back is gonna be troublesome.
so first trip is Bario, in Sarawak. just to make things pleasant to read….some pics!
first time getting on a twin otter.damn scared,NOT because its under Malaysia Airlines. Word of advice,don't sit at the back.
landed safely. phew.
Me on shoot,luckily not wearing the MBB. its also gonna restrict my movement cause of the thickness and weight once i sweatWe hiked a lot at this place for an hour or so to get to the site to shoot.
second trip is to Kapit also in Sarawak. This is a damn hot place. Being by the river makes you want to just sit in the river 24/7.
around 80k USD worth of equipment on this tiny boat!
This Tiny boat!
on the way back we used this boat to get to a transit point cause it was on the weekend and ferry was full.the river is around 2km wide,and barge, container ships pass through this river. so you can imagine the scared shitless of us when we realized we're taking this small boat to get to the transit point.well basically that was it. my august trip in the MBB.
hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i did. -
amazing stuff @dlaz!
Thanks dlaz for your effort. Perhaps the questions were to difficulkt. But perhaps you have more luck next time.
And great updtae indeed, thanks
Enjoy your raw denim journeys at your best -
Amazing gesture from Ruedie and an equally amazing update from @dlaz , well done buddy looks like a great trip.
Wash Challenge
Inside out
Some times you feel like a mint. Some times you don't.
Hang dry with the secret weapon SE hanger.
Condition the patch once dry, or mostly dry.
17th update
@swiss-jeansfreak your questions were ok.i was just being lazy.
thumbs up again to you ruedi for your contribution to the denim community -
**September 28th is HWDC2 Day
We want to see pictures of your jeans, tee's caps belts and everything HWDC related. Wear it loud and proud Heavy Champs.**