Random questions to which you seek an answer
You wanted pockets??? We'll give you pockets!
I'm looking at buying a natural tan belt. Obvious choice was IHB-02, but I'm now looking at Tanner Goods… It looks like it'll do, it'll hàve to do even, seeing as how money's scarce... Anyone here have any experience with 'm?.. If I want the middle hole to fit a 32", what size doI go with?.. 32, 34?.. 32 seems like the obvious choice, just wondering...
im assuming its more of the oj thats staining instead of the superior? get a toothbrush and spot clean in a soak?
Chill Simon626- LA. Listen to Seul. I spill shit on my jeans often – never alcohol since I don't drink -- but yes, OJ, milk, coffee/tea, Indian food, yogurt, diet coke...you name it, I've spilled it. Just take a wet washcloth and wipe down as best as you can. Then don't worry about it. Now go live your fuckin' life, yo'.
They are jeans, calm the fuck down. If I see you in person I am going to pee on the leg of your jeans while you are not looking… JK But honestly, just wear them and don't concern yourself. If I washed my jeans every time I spilled something on them, there would be no time to wear them. Oh an just call it Bacardi or say you were drinking Rum... (Gave me Douche Chills)
You might find that scrubbing causes more premature fading than soaking with some detergent does
I have yet to meet a stain that doesn't come out of denim in a bucket of water with a tablespoon or two of woolite dark
I work in an office environment so wearing jeans at work is already a privilage, so walking around with jeans with a stain on it is really pushing my luck…
Anyone knows if unlucky from styleforum has any website or anything? And is there any means of contacting him? I'm quite interested in getting a FH repro wallet.
No website, his email address is s_willis@rocketmail.com. To be honest, you're probably better off going through Corter or Obigood and contacting them about it.. I had an Unlucky wallet and I was pretty underwhelmed by it.
any advice on repairing pocket stitching?