Giles's Swim for Charity
That's fantastic G, well done.
Congrats G, to the swim and the Nomination. Kudos to you!
What a difference a day makes. @Madame Buttonfly and I just popped down to where it all started yesterday….
That's so bloody embarrassing - I thought he was taking photos - didn't realise I was about to feature in video!
Unbelievable the difference in the weather from yesterday, we were so lucky that the organisers had an accurate forecaster and the swim was able to go ahead…
brilliant, congratulations.
Alice was one of the swimmers.
Here are a couple of excerpts from her FB post which made us giggle…
_Yesterday I swam across the Solent…In a bikini! There were tears, big smiles, big ships, blue skies, darker skies, a mid swim janet jackson super bowl wardrobe malfunction and I even got a certificate!
..............Thank you Matthew Pryor, my kayaker extraordinaire, who got my back 100% throughout the swim, kept me swimming in the right direction (not as simple as it sounds...) and calmly fixed my bikini in the middle of the Solent - wicked._
Well deserved nomination Giles. I know we all have enjoyed the journey and your posts. It doesn't surprise me at all that there was an impact in the real world.
Woah, I can't even imagine swimming in water cold enough for that level of gear.
I just found this on my phone. Check out the confident swagger into the water…