Random questions to which you seek an answer
Badger and Blade has been around a while and is a comprehensive source of all things manly. I've been on the site lots learning how to wet shave. Haven't been on in a while though.
That's a tough call. Who wouldn't want a free pair of your jeans in exchange for a review?! Do you need a review? Do you want a review?
Agree. I don't see any upside to giving them a pair of jeans. Those types of contests always end up with readers arguing about why their favorite brand should have won.
I also review jeans, and have been sent pairs by different brands, all on the proviso that if they suck I will say as much…..and I have.
If I wear a 9 in Viberg short shifts could I fit a 9.5E in Wesco Jobmaster lace to toe boots?
Thanks G.
Heavy Metal, ha, ha.