IHSH-107 - 2014 Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt
Yes it shines in that pic by Finn .
Best heavy weight IH has made in years
you think so?
you might be on to something . . .
I've got a brand new IHSH-107 Black in Medium if interested. It was a tad too large for me.
I really wanted the black, or the purple/black flannel but apparently that was sold out before it even hit the site .
Give it a few months. Somebody will be selling one of the shirts you're looking for.
The shirt so nice, I bought it twice.
Great shot of colour D666 , that red is brilliant .
I think it's the best heavy weight to come out. At least that I have anyway. Also the nicest red shirt I have.
The colour combo in red is well done .
If I was drunk and saw that photo Twin , I would be giving the bottle funny looks . Great shot …cheers