Anyone got any pics of wesco's without the high heels? Do they even do them? @Giles
When is the new Tesco/Wesco collaboration coming out?
Anyone got any pics of wesco's without the high heels? Do they even do them? @Giles
Foot Patrol:
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/hardware/dwc-fp-deposit.htmlAnd most builds can be built with lowered heel.
My next pair will have black domain…
how the heck i forget about the above.
sexy a$$ leather & I'm not mad at the build either. Anybody got the dominion(sp) leather in black? Want to see what it does with some use . . . .
@Giles Is this a Jobmaster toe?
Semi lace to toe has to be the worst looking Wesco option. The proportions just look off, especially on a lower height boot like above.
Yep, me too.
Of course you do. We never agree on any footwear, do we?
Gav and I may have differing opinions, but we can both recognize fundamental facts.
Stock Groundout boot at work in the North Sea. Had the boots around 3 months now and they have broken in nicely. Can see these lasting a long time.
Don't worry, the orange coveralls are North Sea standard, I am not in a US jail.
I have worked in the Gulf Of Mexico and took my Orange coveralls with me. Some comedy moments with the locals who thought I had just escaped from a Louisiana DOC facility.
Of course you do. We never agree on any footwear, do we?
That's because you have shit taste in footwear
That heel is too much IMO. I know high heels are all the rage on here but that is something else. Must make you a foot taller!
same for me…heel to high but the rest of the boot is ace @Megatron1505 …btw. some shots of the boots in action would be nice mate
I'll be on it at the weekend man, plenty of action shots. I find the heel makes my legs look longer in a skirt
@ddtrash love these very special, what spec are those?
@Megatron1505 highheels are great, pacino style in ya face, nice
Ok, no skirt shits if you insist
I'm 6ft 1 so high heels almost get me to Darth Vader height