Same, same…..
You bugger…........ Will gladly swap such an obviously gruelling location for this (free of charge of course).....
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Could you give Alex some housework training when you next come to Goz?
i'm actually entertaining the thought to bring him with me to fish'n'chips… -
That would be bloody marvellous! Do it!
There's no way that will end well.
I'll only give Tommy 10 cigarettes and a hip flask of rum I promise
Looks great Twin.
@Madame Buttonfly hanging out with Moray the eel….
@Madame Buttonfly hanging out with Moray the eel….
Another lovely dive with loads of cool sea critters. Must see if I can grab the camera off G and try to get some pics of him
The obvious tourist view.
Shanghai feels like the setting for a Mandarin remake of Blade Runner, only without the replicants and flying cars. I'm sure that the Chinese will have them in a year or two. Parts of the city are shiny, futuristic metropolis, whilst there are gritty, old fashioned streets just back from where I took this photo.
Then there are buildings that could be out of Batman…