RAWscore - the hit or miss fit and combo space
Just wanna make sure this meets your approval
Proportions seem off. Maybe you should try a more slim fit.
One of the sleeves is coming up a bit short.
What's wrong with it? Looks about right to me. Who is the maker?
Nothing wrong with it per say… It is a #9 zimbabwe work shirt and was a gift.
Cool, well then wear her in good health!
I hold my breath for every picture :O)
thanks for the feedback
Looks good, but you should still get the Studio d' Artisan for a splash of color!
I need to see it in person before I decide if it's something I can pull off, but I haven't forgotten it Big Anes
^ 2 late, pretty sure he got rid of it. I actually don't agree on that's the best non-custom fit he can get but can understand yours statement.
Zimbabwe work shirt returned… 76 ordered…
Just curious - why did you send it back? Something other than the fit? I'd love to find a manufacturer whose size worked that well for me.
Edit: confession - i've had to resell every (3) IH western shirt I've tried because the shoulder to sleeve ratio didn't work for me. So I'm always impressed when someone fits a good fit like that.
Honestly, I would have sent it back to exchange for the 17oz IHSH-76 even if it was an IH workshirt + I was going into winter… Wouldn't want to accidentally wear it in a WAYWT or post about it and irritate anyone either though… I’d rather just flush it and not to have to bother with that whole thing… So it's gone now and
Agreed the 76 fits better & u wouldn't annoy anyone wearing what u like. . . . but reading this again my advise 2 u is u got to get past it & let somethings go or you got to put out a full frontal assault & stop pussy footing around about what ever your issue might be. I've never been good at guessing games either . . .