Smokers Anonymous
Ok, I promised you guys a review
I've been on the Volcano Magma electronic cigarettes for three weeks now, and haven't had a real cigarette since. I was REALLY cranky the first week, but didn't want to have a cigarette.
There IS a learning curve to these things. "Vaping" on an ecig is a slow, low drag, not a quick hit like on a regular (analog is what ecigarette vapers call it) cigarette. If you try to drag on it hard, you'll wind up with a bunch of liquid in your mouth. Once you get over that, you feel like you're really smoking, and still went with my coworkers for cigarette breaks (until today, it was my last day in the NY office)
I feel A LOT better these days. I was smoking about a pack a day, and felt like crap at the end of the day, stank to high heaven, and felt like I was wearing a shirt two sizes too small. I forgot how good it feels to really BREATHE again, and my sense of smell and taste are coming back.
The best part of these things is that I don't have to go outside to use it. I've used it at my desk at work, and Jody lets me use it at home since there's no real smell. Yes, legally you can use it indoors, and I've used it on the Amtrak.
As for the flavors, immediately I got the menthol flavor, since I was a Newport smoker. The menthol flavor actually tastes more like peppermint candy than a menthol cigarette, but that's ok, you adjust fast. I then followed up with a watermelon flavor, which I love, and lately I've been mixing my own flavors. Currently, the favorite is pomegranate dark chocolate (got the idea from a Haagen Daz flavor) and I have mango cream coming in (also an idea from a Haagen Daz Flavor)
It's a pretty fun little gadget, paid the extra money for the purple batteries (the ends of the batteries glow just like a real cigarette will glow when you inhale)
Rush Limbaugh has been on a rant on his radio show about ecigarettes, and likes Volcano as well, so they've been selling out regularly lately.
Overall, a major thumbs up. I feel great by not smoking real cigarettes, the flavors are awesome, and I like the attention I draw with my purple LED ecig. For reference:
www.gourmetvapor.comIf anyone signs up, please use as your reference. I get points for referrals!
Doug - thanks, this is really interesting and helpful info. I think we might well be investing in a couple of these soon, will certainly mention your name!
I won't (and legally can't) comment on FDA's stance on ecigarettes since I'm an employee
I will say that I have invested a lot of personal time and money into them and I have not had a tobacco cigarette in over a month
I will also say I have a Master's Degree in toxicology
You guys can draw your own conclusions
Doug, how much money would you say that you have saved since quitting and using your particular device?
Heh, well, you'll have to take into account that cigs in NYC are ridiculously priced…about $858...
Although I've spent a couple hundred on these ecigs because the devices and flavors are pretty's become more of a hobby than a smoking cessation system...
I would say I've saved maybe $400 though...
I'd like to add that my stepson is about that age that he is susceptible to pick up smoking…and I got him a kit...
It works, and I'm happy about it, because him and a couple of his friends got caught smoking at school...but he got off the hook because he showed his Principal on the spot when they busted them that it is an ecigarette...and I got him the liquid with no nicotine in it's working
I'm neither naive nor foolish. I'm aware that Steven, 16, will lie and withold information from his parents. I offered him a healthier alternative to smoking since I know he will be influenced by his peers.
And I never said this was a trust issue, since he's aware that I won't hold it against him if he smokes. Teenagers will do what they want to do, I've learned to pick my fights with him wisely.
Down to about 5 cigs/day from a pack/day
i enjoy smoking but lately not as satisfying as it once was
been contemplating the ecigs and now that ive seen a review from someone i actually(kinda)(not really) know but certainly trust i think im gonna take the plunge and DougNg ill def use you as a refrence when i buy thanx for the review -
Volcano also makes vaporizers for mary jane (the original volcano vape was for weed). They cost about 400 dollars. What it does is it heats up marijuana and extracts the thc from the plant buds and it fills an air tight bag full of thc infused water vapor. Pretty damn cool, there is no combustion involved. You inhale vapor, it gets you high, and you breathe out nothing but water vapor. The greatest thing about it is you arent smoking yet youre still getting high. No ash or smoke in your lungs. Still, i cant say it is as satisfying to smoke out of a vaporizer as it is to smoke out of a nice bong. I like the feeling of smoke in my lungs. Vaporizers are more clean thanbi prefer
This came up in the Volcano Forums. The Volcano vaporizer you're talking about is this one:
Different product, different company
I enjoyed smoking too. I would honestly never have quit, but there were a number of factors. One, a pack in NY goes for between $12-15 a pack. Two, I'm getting older and I can feel myself slowing down from the smoking. Three, I'm just fucking tired of being a burden on my family by having them wait while I finish my smoke
It takes about a month before withdrawal symptoms are gone
The first week is the worst
That's when I was going cold turkey (I tried this a few times, never got past two weeks)
With the ecigarette, I was "a cranky asshole" according to Jody for the first week, and after that, was back to normal. This is probably because I'm still getting nicotine from the ecig. Though I've gone from 18mg/ml to 12mg/ml in the last couple months, and have no desire to go any lower. I figure I'll be a lifelong smoker, one way or another. If I dose myself at too low a level, I might be tempted to go back to regular cigarettes (analogs as what vapers refer to them)
I've noticed big changes in my health since I stopped smoking analogs