Looking to interview IronHearters in Bay Area/Montral/Toronto/Ottawa/New York
You most definitely need to get your arse down to this…..
Fish ‘n’ Chips 2015
Last years…..
Fish ‘n’ Chips 2014 -
Hi everyone,
I posted about this in the San Francisco thread but Gwilling suggested it might be worth posting here too. Basically I'm researching online clothing fora and I would love to interview guys that post (or lurk) on here about the denim/heritage/workwear/Japanese side of things. I'm based in Toronto but I'll be in the Bay Area from the 13th to the 20th and I get the sense that quite a few people on here are based thereabouts. I'll also be in Montreal, Ottawa and New York throughout the year.
These interviews are just 60 minute open-ended conversations about clothes and the internet, they're not very demanding and I'll travel to wherever is convenient for you. I've got a research budget so I can offer a $50 honorarium for your time. This is scholarly research which means that its not affiliated with any kind of store, brand or market research firm. It also means that your identity will be kept anonymous when the research is published.
Please PM or e-mail me (nweiner@yorku.ca) if you're interested in participating.
I've already interviewed a bunch of folks on a British forum, and while its a different sort of forum you can see from over there that I'm genuine:
https://www.fuk.co.uk/threads/looking-to-interview-fuk-users-london/1/Here are my credentials as a researcher:
http://yorku.academia.edu/NathanielWeinerIf you've seen me posting on some of the other forums you must be sick of hearing from me by now and I promise this is my last posting on the subject.
im interested, BK, NY checkin in
I met up with @paint house gang (Nat) this past Friday in Toronto while I was in town. I had a great time answering questions in the interview. I would highly recommend meeting up with him if you can. Seems like his study will be very interesting as it's never been done before.
-Interview took a little over an hour
-It's recorded
-Nat gives you $50(CAD, since I was in Canada) in an envelope after you sign a confidentiality form- His study is sponsored by a grant
-No names will be used in the study
-Some of the questions were difficult(only because of how introspective they were) but you can say Pass if you don't feel like answering
-Nat seems like he would fit in around here(avid beer drinker, loves Brits and into vintage clothing)
Nat lives in Toronto
@natehate @zwer @CLJ y'all should meet up and chat. - His study is sponsored by a grant
Sure, I'm willing. @paint house gang - you can email me at lorriezwer at gmail.com and we can set something up.
i could be inclined @paint house gang
Thanks guys, PMs/e-mails sent.
You most definitely need to get your arse down to this…..
Fish ‘n’ Chips 2015
Last years…..
Fish ‘n’ Chips 2014 -
Aaargh would have loved to check out Fish'n'Chips but sadly its the weekend that I fly back to Canada.
Sent you a pm!
I would be interested but I don't live in Toronto anymore and am on bedrest until I have back surgery. Best of luck with the interviews!
Could you do the interviews via email or Skype? I've done interviews with people on the other side of the world which have turned out pretty well, or is it something which is geographically important?
Could you do the interviews via email or Skype? I've done interviews with people on the other side of the world which have turned out pretty well, or is it something which is geographically important?
Sorry only saw this. Skype is definitely a possibility, I'll be in touch.
In the meantime, if anyone is around New York (City) this weekend (Friday 28th August to Sunday 30th August) and up for being interviewed, please get in touch.