The Steam Locomotive
Where were you planning on getting the straight cut?
self edge was going to start stocking it xxx denim, i got kinda excided because i love crazy denim like on the SGs
I wouldn't get your hopes up on them at this rate. You should PM him for the full TSL story. But ask yourself why the Straight Leg is not on the site and then Strike Gold was picked up? Anyhow, there is more than enough good IH on it's way that TSL should not even cross your mind. This thread is dead as far as I am concerned, unless someone picks up a pair in-store…
my next denim list will be running
finish SGs 9 months
start on my FH1001s 6 months
666s 1 year
pbj deep indigo 6 months
another pair of ironhearts whatever exists at this point -
bringing this thread back to life to ask a question. is this the brand referred to as "XXX" on the self edge fliers for the LA opening party? or am i missing out on some new brand. just out of curiousity im already sold on iron hearts for my next pair. pair number 4
It might be TSL or it might be ROY. That's my best bet for the XXX.
umm i think i kinda know the answer to this one, as per storing some bags in the back of self edge
is this going to be revealed at the party or something? kiya claims its "made in outer space"
Pretty sure that's something called sarcasm, that there.
well yeah i knew that much, who isn't sarcastic on sufu..
fuck this thread.