IH-101J - 1946 101J Riders Jacket
I'm so tempted by this one…will have to try it on (XXL :()
@Winchy Excellent, loved all pictures, enjoy!!!
BTW what shirt is that? -
Awesome jacket! Did try it on yesterday and found XL too tight and XXL too loose. But I envy you you can pull it off so well.
Yeh that's the TWSH-08; a real favourite and the ideal weight for this time of year in the UK. I think i've had the 101J for around 6 months….give or take. If I tried to do up the buttons the fit wouldn't look too good!
I love almost everything about it, but the deal breaker for me is lack of pockets. I actually ride a motorcycle, and as a "rider jacket" you need those hand pockets. Thats where you keep your phone and quick access stuff. The breast pockets are usually just for show, I never use those pockets. Just seems odd to me that anyone would want a denim jacket with only the 2 breast pockets. Before you say "well thats how this jacket style was originally" I know, and my point still stands.
Same here, I love this 18 oz, wish this had hand warmers!!! But I still want it, if this stays for a while
Actually this is the modern Lee (101) Rider Jacket, which is longer than the '46 101 J, the IH-101J is inspired of. The 'original' is shorter, you can check here on this repro:
Correct @den213 OG also has the correct lee riders buttons and OG unionmade Lee label tag with straight e's, no Trademark on chest label (plain Lee), stitched collar, etc
The IH 101j is a very nice take.
My HD Lee OG repro 1946 made in Japan (believe by Edwin under Lee licence), short slim fit wide waistband, full arms
Sorry OTPerfect BLAST from PAST!!! This requires high rise jeans, love that over all, great picture David!!!
I remember HD Lee is now owned and moved to Poland, in US we only have Lee!!! I dont know if these still have any connection!! -
Thx man Kind of you. Not for the Hd Lee USA licence repros made in Japan like my jacket @rohitsingh afaik they were intended primarly for japanese market, don't know for how long these gonna be available any longer. Some are flying around online
@Winchy @louisbosco beautiful jacket really like this IH hopefully can touch it in real life