Speaking of supporting local music…
My good friends in Black Fast have their debut album dropping in August, metalsucks is streaming the debut single.
@finkster Mush is the best punk record of all time. Oh how I long for Frankie Stubbs and company to put out another new record.
Fuck yeah @xtcclassic - sounds killer. Your friends did a good job, sounds like something I'd buy!
The new Faith No More is pretty awesome.
^ Backed to the absolute max ^
Completely in love with Sol Invictus, easily the best thing they've done since Angel Dust (which admittedly means it only tops two albums). Great to see the comeback isn't a cash-in and that they can still deliver something fresh. Mike Patton is a fucking genius though, which I guess helps…
Some great stoner sludge I wanted to share with you.
@Finkster you're certain to like this stuff if you've not heard it before.
@FilthyBloodJunkie : I think, you would like this (crank up the volume
) –>
Band: Agent Orange
Album: Living In Darkness
Year: 1981