fuuuuuucking nice!
@BrownIcon …where to cop?
I really like the Viberg derby with the visible eyelets. It balances the aesthetic mix between work and semi-dress a little better than the blind eyelet version in my opinion. I'm still struggling with the way in which the ping-pong insert for the partially structured shoe shows through the leather on their plain toe offerings though…
@Sugar Mountain :
'Had a choice between the brass & blind eyelets, but preferred the former. The blind eyelet version is like a "dress" wannabe & would prolly look much better/more appropriate on dressier leather like Italian Calf. Also, the back rim support on the eyelets seem like they're likely to fall off sometime down the line.As for the toe structure lip, it won't be as visible once the derby gets creasing from wear.
Bring them to a cobbler. That will fix the issue.
Hello all ,
Have a chance at some aged bark service boots , size 11.5 .
I wear a 12 in Beckmans and a 11.5 in the Iron Rangers - so will the Viberg
service boots be a similar fit in 11.5 ?Thanks never had or worn vibergs before .
Thanks Bluegrass . Still twitching at dropping 1000$ on boots though .
Thanks Engineer . The narrow toe box has me concerned .
Still twitchy too !