Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
Thanks. I'm already drawing patterns for a new project.
Soon to hopefully start up my own company, first batch of all leather bags made by myself from start to finish.
Can follow on instagram whilst working on website if theres any interest -
Any feedback appreciated!
bags look awesome @panda_693
I need someone of you creative types to make me dog collars out of leather & denim I have for my doggies. I also need at least two doggie flannels & some doggie boots
winter is coming
not far from the truth
Custom skull. Wife bought neva blank vinyl skull. Decided to customise it with a Karajishi botan design using marker. Difficult to photograph!
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Thanks chaps
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Thank you chief!
I have a few photos that could help illustrate the process. These poor iphone pics weren't taken with a "step-by-step" sequence in mind (more just as a reference photo to keep me thinking while I'm at work), and I don't have photos of each stage, but hopefully these might give an idea of the evolution that the paper has gone through. It's much like a pair of jeans hopefully, in that the paper reflects the life it has lived…Thanks for looking!
So I would love some impressions, any impressions, bad, good, it all helps….I'm trying out some new possibilities.
This is going to be a new type of series for me -- as opposed to the artwork in the above post ^^^ which is more like a smorgasbord of colored pencil -- this series will be more focused and minimal.
Still in progress but close...
I absolutely love the blue…beautiful clear,cool and calm
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Much appreciation, @Black Orchid!
It's getting closer…
And this is the cotton paper pulp that gets ripped up during the process of drawing lines and writing/scribbling…