I saw DJ open for The New Bomb Turks …
Awesome package! - I love the Turks
My last Danko J. live gigs were on a couple of Festivals and Concerts with other Bands like the Supersuckers, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Deadbolt, Nashville Pussy, Jim Jones Revue, Social Distortion or the Hives. ( a lot of excellent noise)
Fans of The Templars, and Anti-Cimex, Skitsystem, and Disfear… check this band out. Super- awesome swedecore d-beat. This is from their new cassette tape, (and is the most accessible song to share.)
Entire new Extreme Noise Terror album on spotify:
Saw Clutch & Planet of Zeus yesterday. Pretty awesome I must say, and the greeks made the Muricans look pretty saturated in comparison. And Noble Savage is a great tune.
I've benn slacking on the live front too much. In fact I had a bad cold yesterday, still glad that I went.
Not sure there are any Househeads on this forum but this is rockin. Proper dream team.
^ Little music bomb for y'all. ^
You are the only person I have come across who has listened to Below the Heavens by Blu and Exile. I salute you sir.
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Has anyone seen Motorhead lately? They're playing here on wednesday but the last shows I've seen were pretty, well, slow…