Unpopular opinions
Right. That was borderline the same as saying all humans are incredibly flawed. It is my opinion but it's also a fact.
For the record, I completely agree with you.
I fucking hate the term "lol" too
I literally laughed out loud though! I don't use it lightly
An uncomfortable fact
Uncomfortable fact, not an unpopular opinion.
And by the way, I went to the gym earlier, so literally everything I'm wearing was likely made by third world children and from fibers originating in a refinery.
How can insulting the purported values of every man, woman and child on the forum not be unpopular ? :o
Dark times indeed
Where do you buy your towels?
Where do you buy your towels?
My towels were made in Austria, so entirely first world.
Many of my towels are made in Belgium, so they´re third world too
Where do you buy your towels?
The same place I get all my extra heavily soiled underwear: Goodwill. No… The grandparents gift towels to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. No idea why, it must be a cultural thing. Maybe it's just something us Catholic Republicans do here in 'Merica... Guns, TV, suburbia, Limbaugh, wall-mart, Trump, Jesus, and towels; the American dream!
If I were to help pick out towels though, I'd get these color grown cotton ones because they become more vibrant if you piss on them. Seriously, it has something to do with chemical reaction to changes in PH level.....
http://store.rawganique.com/Colorgrown-Organic-Cotton-Towel-p/tow-oc200.htmOr these…
http://www.towelsbygus.com/collections/american-made-towels -
Your towels are from China aren't they
Mine are from India. I haven't pissed on them, but I'm pretty sure that won't change the color.
^ You never know until you give it a try Chris
Your towels are from China aren't they
Both Monocle and the Conran Shop sell Japanese made towels, if you want to be a socially conscious hipster.
Who buys towels anyway these days? I just drip dry in the garden. Far more environmentally friendly.
Random unpopular opinion that is likely to offend most Americans between the ages of 25 and 55: Seinfeld is one of the worst televisions shows ever made and Jerry Seinfeld is simply not funny. It is inconceiveable how anyone ever thought it would be a good idea to design a long-running sitcom around his solisistic, self-deprecating foolishness. Someone approached me this morning and made a Seinfeld reference in some bizarre context as if I should know wtf they were talking about. People reference Seinfeld like the weather, as if it were ubiquitious American ideology and is essentially a part of a citizenship exam. When I didn't get the reference (I've given up pretending like I get the joke in these cases because it happens so often) he looked genuinely let-down. Again, I don't know how anyone was ever convinced to like this show but it may be one of the most inexplicable American mass-manipulations in history. This may be a rant actually…
Un saludo!