Random Announcements
There's a guy putting solar panels on my roof (not Santa)… He's 73 years old... He shoots up the ladder at 8 am and we don't see him for hours... This afternoon, he came in complaining that it was pretty shitty up there cause the roof was covered with ice… I told him to watch it, not worth it risking your life over some panels ya know?.. He didn't seem phased, just said "Oh you know, when your time has come, there's nowt you can do about it anyhow..."
Old people...
Damn, I hope I'm still that active when I'm 73. Come to think of it, I hope I'm still walking around at 73, let alone puttering around on rooftops installing solar panels.
Or maybe Paypal.
Doesn't matter who the buyers or sellers are, the vigorish has to be paid.
Howard Stern signs another 5 Year Deal with Sirius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just found this nice how to measure link