Anyone have any experience with kennel cough? Looks like Leo has it
Doug had it when he was a puppy. Don't think they did much to be honest think he just cleared it on his own. but worth asking the vets
Thanks SFD, I think it's just something to keep an eye on.
Do you mean Tiger, on the right? He may look "ard as feck" but he's a complete wuss.
Pusskin is seriously as dim as she looks, bless her.
They're both rather "special needs" but we love them all the more for it.
We had to grab them from Giles's Mum's old house in Birmingham about 3 years ago when she was hospitalized (and subsequently moved to a care home). Original plan was to find another home for them. They were very traumatized, and over time they've become part of the family. Their names are so silly but I would feel disloyal changing them as they are still technically Giles's Mum's cats (however if anyone tried to take them away now it would be over my dead body!)
Ignoring my husband.
@Seul - can you please refrain from embarrassing us with your English wot is better than ours? I had to Google "recidivist"! And yes, he is (great word, I will try to use it regularly, with Giles's behaviour shouldn't be difficult)
Do you mean Tiger, on the right? He may look "ard as feck" but he's a complete wuss.
Pusskin is seriously as dim as she looks, bless her.
They're both rather "special needs" but we love them all the more for it.
Simply put, both cats are great.