IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
thanks beatle, will do tomorrow!
mine are soaking as we speak. is it safe to say the denim weight is 20 oz after soaking?
just figured since SRs go from 21 to 23…and i read on sufu that the sexih07bk ends up being 21oz as well......??if these dry in time i will get fit pics.
post soak, still damp. sorry for the terrible picture. might do another soak..yeah im really short.
did it in the tub. bathwater was as hot as i could get it (which didn't last long) so i boiled some water and poured it in. i repeated this a few times so the water stayed pretty warm. waist definitely shrank not sure if i can get it to shrink anymore. a 30 wouldn't have been big enough for my hips.
thanks, i loved that print a friend of mine got it framed for me for christmas. it's been sitting in the poster tube for a year
hehe, i got this axe to fall print hanging over my couch as well. Nice fit there.
going to soak once more today, just want to get as much shrinkage as i can. i may get these shortened but i need to see if i will be able to wear shoes like vans with these still. i don't want heel drag!
From the look? Probably a little bi.t but that's just a guess
i only have a construction measuring tape (metal one) so these arent the most accurate…
waist=30.75 inches
hem=7.75"had to measure quickly so i just took those three.if my hips weren't so wide i think i couldve gotten a 30.....