Fullcount denim
Two weeks ago, I bought the last size 34 of the 1108 from Vater & Sohn. One-wash with great roping. Nice slim straight fit, just love these!
haha, I won't wear it like this, I prefer to wear at least a jacket and pair of Jeans in different stages of Evolution. Or chinos. By the way, let's see a Picture of your pair!
Lets hang sometime soon
@ Jcmx800 Yeah we should. Bring your FCs then! All pigs must die would be the next firm date, but maybe we can manage before that.
Has anyone ordered the rigid 'Extreme' 14.5 oz 25th anniversary editions of the Type 1 jacket, 0105 jeans or 1108 jeans? So far as I can see, the denim is very thinly dyed. Does this mean that it has mega fade potential? I would be very interested to hear more information about this and what 'Extreme' is supposed to signify. On the other hand the £ implications of 1 jacket, 1 0105 (significantly undersized) and 1 1108 will be 'Extreme' in themselves (particularly as I await further undersized 1101XXs - I can't get enough of this denim!).
I pre-ordered the 1108 from Bears one week ago but haven't got a confirmation yet.
Thanks @beautiful_FrEaK . I am also tempted by the 1108s. I've got some 1108XXs and size 33 is good for me in the thighs and very soft after washing. Do you have any info about what 'Extreme' signifies, or about the characteristics of the denim generally? The largest size for the Type 1 jacket is 40, which is too small for me - they don't seem to be doing a 42.
I don't know more than what can be found on Full Count's website. So sorry, can't help you. We'll find out eventually
Thanks. I never thought to look at the FC website - it usually ends up with baseball. I will try to find it again and see what it says.
I just checked and the jeans and jacket disappeared from the website…strange. But you can find also the info here:
Will also try to get the 1101 in the anniversary denim, if I can. They look indeed a bit brigther than the Standard and especialy the XX models, but the standard denim is also rated "very light dyed" in the bears shop rating.
I haven't seen the 1101 in the anniversary denim, only 1108 and 0105. Yes, I noticed the standard 13.7oz is classified as thinly dyed as well. I have only got the XX and I am very pleased with them even if they are heavily dyed. I tend to buy by the thigh size. I've got some 1108XXs in size 33. The thighs are a good fit but I think I will be able to get into size 32. I'm just comparing measurements for the anniversary 1108s against those for the 1108XXs I've already got. The thigh looks the same. I've gone really extreme in the 1101XXs, which have bigger thighs. I'm wearing size 30 comfortably and size 29 is on its way over. I don't like a waist which is too big or puckers with a belt on.
It is difficult to get the colour balance right, but this probably better shows the inkiness of the Indigo on my unwashed, unsoaked 1101XXs.
This is what I have found out about the Type 1 jacket….which uses the same denim...."It is of the 25th anniversary limited item 2017 denim jacket 25th 2017EXTREME introduction of FULL COUNT (full count). It is a denim jacket based on 2107 FLAP POCKET(1st MODEL) becoming the second of the 25th anniversary memory item of FULLCOUNT reaching the 25th anniversary. It is the ultimate denim which came up by improving オリジナルセルヴィッチデニム of 14.5oz which only past 1 degree released again. ピュアインディゴ100%で染め上げた生地はフルカウントの定番13.7ozデニム同様に、ナチュラルで大きく自然な縦落ちと、緯糸に生まれたウネリの影響で点の色落ちが特長。 In addition, there was a feeling of Zara, and did it well moderately; became flexible that a feeling of unique slime of the FULLCOUNT characteristic appeared as wore it, and wore it, and was crowded with feelings and stuck to skin, but have not sensed it bodily so far because a tension waist remained to the cloth; ultimate; wear it, and can sense a feeling bodily. In addition, the stitchwork that it was sewed one stitch of one stitch slowly by a leather patch and expert craftsmen who switched from goat leather to deerskin with the glossiness chosen for the sewing of a cotton thread of sleek and the cotton yarn which I developed for this model, a rebuilt pattern, pace of the handling of a needle and these jeans. I reviewed the making of 25 years classic experience and results that I continued making from 0, and appearance and EXTREME MODEL where it was were completed in order to repaint the history of full count oneself. The exclusive bag which a commemorative stamp was made with the 25th anniversary is attached"
Is the 15.5oz denim as comfy/stretchy/beautiful like the 13.75oz denim?
It is comfy, stretchy and beautiful! Whether it is to the same degree as the 13.7 oz in these respects, I can't say as I only have the 15.5 oz
(and the 21oz which is not as stretchy or comfy - it only comes in the 1109 cut, but is beautiful none the less and comes with vertical falls.
Just had a little unfall with some wood stain…
And what happened?
Got some evo as well. 2,5 months.
I love my Fullcount 1904 shorts!