We know you love IH, but where do you think we can improve?
Tableman's ideas is great. Having the visual information aligned consistently makes it easier to compare the varied cuts and silhouettes.
I'd like to see one model wearing all the jeans, with that model's waist/inseam/thigh measurements listed, as well as the size of the jean being modeled.
You could go a step further: a model with, a 34 waist could try on a 33, 34, and 35 to give an idea of sizing down, TTS or sizing up.Anyone can find out what their own waist measurement is. Knowing what the model measures, and what size they are wearing would give a great reference and save lots of time when deciding on a cut/color/size.
I dropped a few of the pics into photoshop and aligned them uniformly. Some stuff was cut off as a result.
Also I overlaid the 634's over the 555's
Rough, but you get the idea…
461 over 634
555 over 634
666 over 634
777 over 634
Beatle Buster over 634
I was dubious when I read the thread, but the pics above have convinced me this is a good idea. A picture is worth a thousand words and all that, really helps envisage the cut.
Only thing I would add is a dashed outline to the 'slimmer' pair when the overlay is done may help?
Does everyone think it's necessary to have someones legs in the jeans?
My initial thought was to have images of a cross section (folded in half) of the jeans laid out next to each other.
If all is lined up and all jeans are of the same tag size i think that might be the most straight forward way of doing this.I really like the overlay idea though @jebbriley … i'm thinking it could be a time intensive headache but could be worth doing.
At first i liked the idea of legs being in the jeans, but i think it would mean you getting in all cuts again and wearing the same shoes and doing your best to be in the same position.
This is kinda what i had in mind. @Sam
Obviously with all the cuts in a line
then under or above we have the side and front shots all in a line. -
Images taken from the Japanese IH website. I changed it so the 634s are transparent and outlined in red for reference. The 666's are in front, with the background from the original photos deleted. In the previous images, the 634's were a transparent overlay, which made the whole image a little blurry.
I like seeing the jeans flat as well as modeled. They look so different when draped on the human frame.
@spitfiredealer I like your method too. Perhaps the overlay is overkill. Having consistency in the pictures and knowing the measurements would be the most helpful thing for me.
Overlay could work, but i think it would have to be something that is programmed into the website.
So it is almost like a roll over action @jebbriley
Agree that interactive Browser powered overlays would be overkill.
Just the photos of different cuts over the 634 should work. -
But what if you aren't interested in a 634 compared with another cut. What if you want to compare 666 & 777?
I've knocked something together that made sense to me. Although i realised as i got to the end that i forgot the 461 cut! KNOB! I'll add that tomorrow
But i'm hoping this is visually easy to understand. Also i'm planning on overlaying these so they can be compared easily. Thoughts and feelings? The grid is supposed to use the 634 cut as the guide… is that clear? I didn't do it with the length though because it just looked odd.
That's handy.
I think it works better without legs in them as you have proved.as you can see from one I have done there is too much variation in the shots to really see clearly the difference in the cuts
now if you could stand exactly the same for each cut it might work better
Fabulous work y'all.
@Sam, that is exactly what I was imagining!
@spitfiredealer, thank you for putting that all together! It is definitely helpful to see them all together on the same person. Useful visual aide!