IH-634S - 21oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
got my 1st pair yesterday, by the way big thanks Giles for the uber fast shipping (always a good thing for partly impatient folks like me;-)
I'm very very satisfied, feel and craftsmanship are superb and the fit is on point, first seem very thight in the waist but I see they will stretch the right way…. so a loud and clear YES on this one from me.
Hello, my first post here with some annoying questions.
I'm looking for a looser fit but not necessarily baggy. I don't want my thighs sticking out or something-I want to preserve the straight leg. I like the fit of LandoCal and Dexter.
I am short and stocky. Thighs are 22in, around the butt is 37, waist is 32-33, inseam 29in.
First of all, would these work for me? I'm not sure what kinds of body types are flattering or unflattering in this cut.
If so, what size would you recommend?
If I hem to 30in would the leg opening be wider?For reference, I could fit 29 in APC NS (though it stretched alot), 31 in levis 501 32 in levis 514.
welcome cbs21. You are certainly not being annoying.
Firstly I would say that as I am at the other end of the dimension spectrum to you I am probably not the best to comment.
However, 634S is not baggy really whatever the size, "relaxed" is better description.
They will stretch a fair bit also FYI.
if you like the fit of your apc ns in 29 then i would size down 1 in the 634s.
if you like the fit of your apc ns in 29 then i would size down 1 in the 634s.
I actually didn't like it at all-too tight and too much stretching. The button almost popped off.
BTW: Given stretch quotient I would go true to size, but on the lower limit (i.e.: 32 for you)
Are you referring to stretching just in the waist? I was hoping the thighs wouldn't have to stretch at all and they would be loose to begin with?
Thanks for the replies.
if you like the fit of your apc ns in 29 then i would size down 1 in the 634s.
I actually didn't like it at all-too tight and too much stretching. The button almost popped off.
BTW: Given stretch quotient I would go true to size, but on the lower limit (i.e.: 32 for you)
Are you referring to stretching just in the waist? I was hoping the thighs wouldn't have to stretch at all and they would be loose to begin with?
Thanks for the replies.
there you go then. tts.
One more question. Are the measurements on the ironheart.co.uk website or the ones on Selfedge more accurate? I see a difference particularly in thigh measurement, which is what I'm most concerned about. Thanks!
i've found the ironheart website measurements to be pretty spot on with just about everything i've ordered.
if i recall correctly, self edge and IH use different measuring methods. this would account for the difference in measurements
The reason we measure like this is beause it is the true circumference of the thigh and it is how all Japanese brands measure the thigh. When I originally specced a pair of jeans and the thigh came back "wrong" from Haraki, I sat down and went throgh how I measured the jeans, when I showed him that I measured the thigh from the centre seam of the crotch he fell about laughing.
thanx for that !
never thought of that but it seems logic to me.
do the US measure the same way, or is that just for japanese brands ? -
Here is a good example of what I tried to describe above.
If measured to the centre seam, these would be 12" in the thigh, but if measured accurately (that is the full width of the thigh), then they measure 13.5". The difference between the 2 ways of measuring will vary dependendent upon the cut.
But, the Japanese will tell you that the larger of the 2 measurements is the accurate way to measure:
Anything on the IH UK site is measured as per the above….......
Shoque will be updating the "How we measure" section of the site shortly - too complex for me (so he says)….........................