What's your favorite Beer?
Thanks for the info!
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Christmas came early today. First time in Canada I believe but certainly first time in BC
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I still like coors light.
founders Canadian breakfast stout being released today in the states i believe.
Christmas came early today. First time in Canada I believe but certainly first time in BC
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My friend works at Founder’s here in Grand Rapids (I don’t drink, but their sandwiches are insanely good), he gets a bunch of sample batches of KBS and other limited releases.
He's a lucky guy, it's great stuff
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Ha great minds…
Opportunistic shot
Melvin IPA, You know what they say, a Melvin a day keeps the sober away!
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Wandering around today, I saw a couple of things that made me think of @Seul-
Beer I know you like, in a for pack of 12 oz bottles
And this is just so ridiculous it had to be shared
I'm checking in my beers on Untappd (I finally caved in and started an account), and just noticed this post @Chris… Halia in regular bottles?.. Oh HELL YEAH... That pig is excessive though... No need to get me more than one... Or two...