IH-777S-21BLK - Super-Slim Tapered 21oz Black Selvedge Jeans
Thank you guys!
I‘m love with this pair already. The fit, the fabric. I‘m so glad that I made this purchase.
another great fit here by @don_pipone - the sale helped to get these the attention they deserve. i'm curious about how the'll look well worn but also think they look perfect as they are. maybe that's why they are kinda sleepers, not that much sick sharp fading potential… me also wouldn't mind if they stay fresh and dark as long as possible. but i think i'll (sadly) get my typical saddle ass fades from riding the bike pretty much sooner than later.
@don_pipone fit looks good. Like the Body Count shirt as well
Exactly what I was about to write. Now go get a black hoodie
Thank you gentlemen!
Exactly what I was about to write. Now go get a black hoodie
Haha! Bloodlust, great album!
Great fit @rocket!
What vest is this? Like it!
Thank you Sir!
fit looks great @rocket
I agree, the fit looks good on you @rocket .
Looks very nice, well done!
Some daylight shots as promised:
The pants look great….that coat is stealing the show