Random Rants
Who broke your doze? At the institution for the criminally insane? Caught looking at one of the inmates girls?
And liking the aubergine tie-in…..
ah - so you got the aubergine gag?
well modesty forbids elucidation but i think you all know the first rule of Fight Club: "You do not talk about Fight Club" . . . but both Brad and Edward are pussies - even together
the other thing I learned today is that galvanized scaffold poles are definitely very unforgiving in a tough metallic way . . .
well sometimes you've just got to find out stuff for yourself
the guy dropped it from about 30 odd feet . . . lucky i was turning my head and it just glanced
it's actually ended up getting the site closed because there was insufficient safety measures in place . . . which that particular scaffold co. see as my doing, because I needed to report for treatment so it's on record . . . unbelievable