Photograph and Camera talk
@Steve they are incredible. I'd say exhibition standard.
I love the idea of doing street photography, but whenever I've tried it has not ended well (Londoners are generally NOT sociable in public situations). Any advice you could give a budding amateur?
Fantastic pictures @Steve
cheers @Max Power
A couple of shots I did in Rome, Dec. 2018.
Awesome waves/surfing at Bradley Beach,NJ courtesy of Hurricane Dorian.
rented the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART to test out for a couple of days.. had a go at FP1 of the singapore GP from a free vantage point..
I don't take too many photos anymore because I have nobody to show them to. But went inside this cool mosque in Al Khobar, KSA. I only took one picture because people were praying and I didn't want to be rude.
You have us @Filthy I know we're an odd lot
but it's somethin….MORE PICS!!
Edit: Damn, G got there first. See Mike!
Thanks guys. I thought the mosque was very psychedelic and peaceful inside. You have to take your shoes off and wash your feet before you go in. The carpet is very soft.