2011 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Looking very sharp there Geo!
Nice shirt.
El - i'll stick a pic up with the red at some point . . . just had the blue on, b'cos had the red on last night
Geo, young at heart
rocket, that new DC4 - Iron Heart collab tee rocks. Don't know if I can pull it off. The design, in my opinion, really resonates with the origins of IH (i.e. motorcycle riding) and I am surprised that they have not been sold out by now. The shirt, I am told, costs a bit more because of the multi-colour printing. Enjoy rocking it.
rocket, that new DC4 - Iron Heart collab tee rocks. Don't know if I can pull it off. The design, in my opinion, really resonates with the origins of IH (i.e. motorcycle riding) and I am surprised that they have not been sold out by now. The shirt, I am told, costs a bit more because of the multi-colour printing. Enjoy rocking it.
thanks I will Omega Man, its a 80s style print that is made to crack over the time, like on your old tee's from back in. Its only online for a few days and since I don't think they sell that much out of the country, the 30 pieces they had made, might be available for some time, but you never know. Price is a different thing 79 Euro is not cheap no question, but you always have to calculate in, low manufacturing number, shipping, taxes, they want to earn something….