I’m prone to enjoy depriving myself of stuff but very few things offer as much pleasure with as minimal consequence as coffee.
Cold Hair Bender while watching the leaves fall. I dont always act like an old man but when I do, watch out!
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Having a cup of this JBC this morning:
First time I've had a natural process Costa Rican. Really good, definitely bright and tart. The strawberry note is spot on. Also got a bag of Ethiopian natural brocess Benti Nenqa that I finished last week, really delicious — I'm definitely biased towards those, my favorite kind of coffee. Lastly got a bag of Mexican Monte Alban that I'll get into once this one runs out — JBC's really got some top notch shit!
Also picked up a December Dripper to check out. I've never owned a Wave type dripper, psyched to check it out. Just waiting on some filters.
Brewed a couple cups in the DD, pretty cool little device. It's nice that you can keep the grind the same and just adjust the flow. Tried 10mg of coffee on the smallest aperture setting, then 20g at the second. Both came out pretty much exactly at 3.5 mins. I'm so used to my Chemex and haven't really been one to geek out about brew time too much, but this thing does make a really great cup of coffee.
I can’t find the video that can be posted here, but my dad’s coffee pot broke so I sent him the good eats: reloaded episode for coffee…old dogs and such...
Here’s his method:
“I prefer either a Chemex carafe with a paper filter or a Hario V60 drip rig over a Hario 02 carafe. Either can be put over low heat so that I can keep my coffee hot the way I like it. As for brewing, if your coffee is too sour or not full-flavored, try a slightly finer grind next time. Conversely, if it's too bitter, try a slightly coarser grind. Oh, and as for filter rinsing, I really don’t bother.“
Special equipment: Digital kitchen scale, Burr grinder, Electronic gooseneck kettle with a thermostat or traditional kettle, Coffee carafe, Coffee mug or Gibraltar glass, Coffee dripper, Coffee filter
Heat the water to 207 degrees F. If you have a digitally controlled, electric kettle this should be simple. If your kettle is old-school, bring the water to a boil then let it sit off the heat for 30 seconds before using.
You only need 420 grams of water (same as milliliters where water is concerned) for the brew process so when the water is hot use a small amount to warm your carafe and your mug or glass. (I like to drink out of Gibraltar-style glass often used by coffee shops for serving cortados.) Dump the carafe after a few moments but leave the water in the glass until you're ready to serve.
Place your carafe on a digital scale and install the filter of your choice, either paper or metal. Add the coffee then zero out or tare the scale. Slowly pour 60 grams of the water evenly over the grounds and allow grounds to bloom for 45 seconds. (Return the kettle to its base to reheat during this time.)
After the bloom, slowly add water to the coffee grounds in a circular motion, pausing as needed to not overflow the filter, until the scale reads 420 grams (including the bloom water). If you've got your grind right this shouldn't take less than 3 minutes or more than 3 1/2.
Dump the warm water from the glass or mug, refill with coffee, and consume. And no, you don't need sugar or cream. Seriously, give it a chance.“And this is funny because sometimes I use the cafe bustelo when camping just because
How many grans of coffee for 420 ml? I usually use a 25g coffee for 350-400ml depending on how strong I want it.
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About 30-31. I go 31.3 just because
A bit on the stronger side! I generally go like 1:17, sometimes 1:16. 31.3 would put you below 1 to 15, definitely a heftier cup.
I go over 420ml. I drink a lot of coffee. I'm not that rigid on the ratios, I like to fill up my travel mug in the morning. 440-445ml gets me there with a little honey and non-dairy 'creamer' to top it off. I'm happy with the result and admittedly a little loose with the discipline. Don't judge me lol!
Cold Hair Bender while watching the leaves fall. I dont always act like an old man but when I do, watch out!
My Daughter called me a weirdo this week for lingering at a window, watching the leaves fall
I go over 420ml. I drink a lot of coffee. I'm not that rigid on the ratios, I like to fill up my travel mug in the morning. 440-445ml gets me there with a little honey and non-dairy 'creamer' to top it off. I'm happy with the result and admittedly a little loose with the discipline. Don't judge me lol!
Haha no judgement! I'm a wuss, can't take the strong shit
I’m happy to admit my flaws. Sometimes I don’t even weigh it ???
I was in Nashville last weekend and picked up this nifty Miir coffee vault @ Barista Parlor. It has a screw on top and an expandable gasket inside to keep your beans or grounds fresh
. It is too early to tell if it is worth the money but it feels like quality and looks pretty snazzy. Only downside is it only holds 12oz of beans. This works for me since my favorite roasters sell 12oz bags but it might not work for everyone.
Did you by any chance swing by the new Snake Oil Provisions while you were down there?
Not this time, it wasn't in the budget and with the new drops only a couple months away I really don't need any MORE temptation. Once my wife gets her vaccine she and I will probably make a weekend trip just the two of us and we'll definitely make time.
Ok, Eno-inspired coffee collab made by record nerds. It's like they have me profiled.
I fell for this backstory about this guy who was using the profits from his coffee roasting to rescue dogs. Called Grounds and Hounds. Thought it was a one man operation,when it fact it was a pretty big company with offices in Chicago and Memphis. The coffee was OK/Good,but I definitely felt suckered. Not saying that this is a similar scenario,but there seems to be a fair amount of that going on in the coffee industry. Let us know how you make out. Had to update my post,after looking closer,they’re really into turntables,and it seems like the coffee is just some more branded merch they can sell.
Oh yeah, Turntable Lab is great — they usually have a great selection of music and cool limited editions, plus loads of good hifi stuff. I've happily given them quite a bit of my money over the years. I think the coffee is just a fun thing they did wit a local roaster in NY.
Ok, Eno-inspired coffee collab made by record nerds. It's like they have me profiled.
Daft, but I like it !