@Filthy Mike, I dig your music choices, and either know or have owned 90% of what you post, so keep it up. This is what's keeping me happy at the moment…
Thanks @Stuart.T I added them to my watch later playlist and will check them out tonight before I go to bed.
@Stuart.T I really like the Miss Piss a lot. It's got like a Windhand or Acid King vibe. It's nice and relaxing to listen to. The guy from the Protomartyr video is this guy's kid
The 3rd Monday of January is supposed to be the most depressing, or something like that.
@filthy this may help…
Yeah, I agree with the sentiment of the article. I am in a relatively good mood today. At least pretty much the same as I am every other day.
Interesting @Giles. Blue Monday is definitely a) a symptom of # generation, and almost exclusively a Northern Hemisphere phenomenon, for obvious seasonal reasons.
I agree with the interviewee too, I'm torn between the label raising awareness of mental health, but somehow diminishing the very real difficulty it causes many people in their lives.
I have an antidote… Just try not to smile
That little girl is so precious.
The rest of the family ain't too bad either.
More or less a joke band, but the songs are catchy.
@Graham I love Elder