Guitars anyone???
Used part of my bonus and jumped into electric.
Telecaster American Professional II
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What an amazing Tele to learn on. As @xtcclassic says, Tele's are so versatile and you cannot beat the classic Blackguard Butterscotch Blonde.
I have recently got back into playing so, today, with 3 nippers and wife all out, I plugged in
Speaking of Tele’s, here’s mine. It started its life as a butterscotch ‘52 reissue.
Love it, @xtcclassic ! Did you do the artwork yourself ?
@Fadez @mikebarhoot thanks for the recs guys, will check some out when the stores are open again!
@Fadez @mikebarhoot thanks for the recs guys, will check some out when the stores are open again!
Deluxe Reverb is my go-to Fender amp. I've got a silverface one that is my main amp, I think it's a '76. I've had Princeton's in the past and have loved them, but prefer my Deluxe Reverb. Reissues of the Deluxe aren't bad, but you can get a 70's one for just a little more than what they cost new.
Love it, @xtcclassic ! Did you do the artwork yourself ?
No, a buddy of mine did it. Here’s a bit more info if you’re interested:
He recently went back over it and darkened the front and some of the back.
I was thinking about getting the Deluxe Reverb Tonemaster which has a built-in attenuator so you can get close sounds at lower volumes without waking up the neighbours.
I don't play live so the real thing would probs be over kill!
You can’t beat a real tube amp. If you’re looking for a Fender that’s manageable at home, have you looked at the ‘68 Custom Vibro Champ? Or the ‘68 Custom Princeton Reverb?
For home use you can't go wrong with a Fender Blues Junior - even better if a friendly amp guy can rustle up some handmade atttenuation!
@xtcclassic @IH-GARY thank you! The Princeton 68 had been on my radar for a while. I will just be patient and test a few when the rules allow.
That amp looks awesome, never seen a handmade attenuator like that!
What I’ve been into lately Danocaster 59 Tremolux
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Fender have just released a new 68 Custom Vibro Champ which I've seen pretty good reviews for. Looks small enough for my living room too!
@theorocks crazy setup!
Fender have just released a new 68 Custom Vibro Champ which I've seen pretty good reviews for. Looks small enough for my living room too!
@theorocks crazy setup!
Awesome the Vibrochamp is great I didn’t know about the release I will check it …. and yes perfect for at home practice and recording takes pedals great too .... I remember when original 60’s ones could be had for less than 400 I haven’t checked in awhile but even the 70’s Vibrochamps are expensive
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Just checked and yes they put a 10 inch speaker in it good call !
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Tempting. Unfortunately I have both a new guitar and a new computer on order, so maybe next year…
I think I'd pick the Princeton reissue over the Vibro Champ, but that's just me… I do love a good Champ, but I always dig the sound of a bigger baffle, a little more overall oomph from the second 6V6, especially if it's got a 12" instead of a 10" (I can't remember what size speaker they put in the Princeton RI, prob 10).
I have a Princeton clone (Headstrong Lil' King Reverb) with a 12" in it and it's pretty glorious, perfect for home use and can hang pretty well in a louder setting too.
Also I don't know how I've never spent much (any?) time in this thread. Massive guitar dweeb, happy to find y'all
Closet repurposed at the moment