Catch of the day [Fishing]
Wtf is that!!!! ??? ??? ???
Had my first jab. On the way back home, I had to pass a moat that I have heard holds a good head of Perch, so I stopped for 15 minutes. I'm desperately trying to catch a drop-shotted Perch before the season closes in 6 days.
I failed in my mission, but at least I did not blank, obviously, I was not using a wire leader, but I think this baby had not grown proper teeth yet…
…nice pic Giles! Giving me the fever! Several boats out on the Upper Mississippi today. Still at least a month before ice out up north.
@Clint_D they found Godzilla
I am likely to not ever go into the ocean ever again.
So, I have ordered another Kayak. I cancelled last year's one. This time I have gone for a pedal rather than paddle powered one. Allows me to fish and maneuver at the same time. It's US-made and the distribution centre for Europe is in the EU. That model has been completely fucked up by Brexit, as they had to pay double duties. So they are now importing directly from the USA into the UK, but supplies are low…I think I have a promise for one that is in the next container.
This is the one......
So, I have ordered another Kayak. I cancelled last year's one. This time I have gone for a pedal rather than paddle powered one. Allows me to fish and maneuver at the same time. It's US-made and the distribution centre for Europe is in the EU. That model has been completely fucked up by Brexit, as they had to pay double duties. So they are now importing directly from the USA into the UK, but supplies are low…I think I have a promise for one that is in the next container.
This is the one......
good thing it wasn't in that container that got sideways in the Suez
@Giles I’ve seen videos with some rigs with an outrigger, fish finder, and pole holders. Do you have any plans?
Besides the bigger boat cliche, here are the other two…
What does boat stand for? Break Out Another Thousand
What are the two happiest days of a boat owner’s life? The day he gets the boat and the day he sells the boat…
P.S. I love the rods suspended like that. I may have to borrow your idea.
I have a 5" Raymarine Dragonfly Pro fishfinder (courtesy a customer who used to work for Raymarine), I got it for the last kayak that never happened…. I am just buying the bits and pieces to install it with a lithium battery in a waterproof box set up....
200lb leader twisted together using a drill and a cup hook, then very long cup hooks into the wall so when you screw them in, they tension the leader...
@goosehd I spent a long while looking myself and was close to pulling the trigger on one I had seen on a discount site. Luckily one of my friends does SUP competitively along with other watersports and he pointed me in the direction of the Aquatone which he said for the cost vs performance and longevity is one of the best on the market:
Above is the one my wife has, the 10 foot one and I have the 10 foot 6" yellow one. I have only had it for one season but I used it a lot and couldn't be happier with it!
I am sure there would be water sport centres where you can try them but the problem is, there are so many on the Market and some are very expensive.
I would definitely happily recommend the Aquatone if you are looking to SUP casually in calm waters!