Cats know how to gently catch people :). @ henry_david My princess's name is Simone.
@SergeyP your cat looks so sweet and healthy. Both my cats look like Jabba the Hut compared to your cat.
@Aetas I'm not too much of a dog person but your dog is cute enough I'd let it lick my face
Rico and Wabash from Dec.
@dinobarnesberlin Rico is beautiful.
Thanks @daltmeyer –- problem is, he is aware of it
She likes every pond, ditch or other dirt hole she can find…
@ Signal11 @ dinobarnesberlin You have beautiful friends!
Thanks man…@SergeyP
Thanks @SergeyP
Aw, what a sweetie
Leave something out for 5 minutes… such an opportunist.
WHY ARE CATS LIKE THAT??? One of mine does the exact same thing @popvulture
Also, nice Birks – I love wearing them around the house/neughborhood.
Oh yeah @henry_david it's totally just their MO, no idea why. I just got back from a trip and where does my cat go? Right on my suitcase. New spot — nap time
Like, if I put a piece of paper on the floor, she will go sit on it. It's the weirdest.
Re: Birks, love em! I wear the shit out of em in the summer. I'm kinda bummed that Birkenstock stopped making the taupe Bostons in the old school sole — it's just soft footbed now. These are the old style and I'm just gonna wear em til they fall apart. Nothing wrong with more squish in the sole, but I just prefer the classic.