IH-819-BLK - 12oz Wabash Double Knee Overalls - Black
Are these still being produced in japan @Giles ? My better half wants to jump on the TRAIN. If so, can a pair be TRACKed down? My body isn't ENGINEERed for overalls so ill conduct(ER) myself appropriately. But I think she'd look quite good in these, if I do EXPRESS so myself. Thanks for any info.
Thanks @Giles shes more a 29 or 30. I know the overalls always come up bigger than tag size. But are they designed to be fitted like that and go with your normal IH size. Or would it be advisable to size to the actual measurement. If anyone has experience I'd love to learn. Thank you.
I go 34 or 35 in IH jeans and I got my 21oz double knees in a 34 because I wanted it to fit not SUPER relaxed (they're overalls, they'll never be skinny jeans) but a lot of people do size up for the comfy factor. Though everybody is different, I don't think I'd sie down since they do come over your waist you don't want to be uncomfortable if you bend over. I liked the fit enough I ordered a pair of the indigo Wabash in 34 which I'm looking forward to showing up. Don't let the measurements throw you too much for a loop, the 34 is listed as like a 39.
Longer story short, I'd say same size as normal waist (or I guess a 30 if 29 would be ideal) is gonna be a relaxed but not overly generous fit. I had to reconcile with the notion that an overall isn't a "trim" garment haha.
I would check out the brotherhood of bib thread in general chat if you want some solid convincing to just go for it -
Thnx @Joberwocky for the education. Now can I wait for a 30 in the black wabash for her or will the 21oz selvedge overalls allure be too much during the wait. doesn't help that I'm trying to live thru her too. SMH
I have become a staunch advocate that everyone is a bib guy, just gotta cross that line and never look back
I haven't been able to convince my wife bibs are cool yet, but I think I'm slowly making headway -
I have become a staunch advocate that everyone is a bib guy, just gotta cross that line and never look back
I haven't been able to convince my wife bibs are cool yet, but I think I'm slowly making headwayPossibly true. Bummer about the wife, just show her how good it makes your caboose look, and maybe she just needs to chew chew it over.
She gives me a hard time but she's a good sport. I've told her before "if I'm confident looking silly, it really shouldn't bother you". I told her they're like my sweatpants and that solved it. Hope you get her a slick pair, the black Wabash looks great
I haven't been able to convince my wife bibs are cool yet, but I think I'm slowly making headway
My girlfriend just saw the old photo of Lindsey, and asked, "Are they for me?" :o
Those pics are great
These were an instacop for me…I've wanted a pair of these since the mid teens...I am so stoked.