IHSH-62-ind - 12oz Wabash Western Shirt - Indigo
Lucky to found a size L at Brund in Denmark
Always wear L in IH shirts, but this one is definitely on the bigger side.
so gave it a 3 hour soak and than washed it with 60 degrees C in the machine with max 800rpm spinning.
perfect outcome, now it fits perfect
was surprised that the sleeves shrank that much , whatever now they are 100%
love the wabash, the fades will be awesome
Was in the gym locker room following my workout today, putting on my wabby when another guy in there said to me “nice jacket”. I said “actually, this a shirt - but thanks”. He said “ really? - it looks like a jacket”. Lol - gotta love it
Greetings from Lima, Perú. Western Wabash + Pisco Sour = WIN!
Great shirt and cool drink , that’s perfect!
Cheers -
Wabby Thursday
Mine is starting to show large shiny stains with a bit of salt on the back due to lots of bike sweating with a back pack, not smelling bad actually, just a bit in the armpits if i put my nose on it but still okay, i might warm soak it in the tube in a week or so and then try to spend all summer in it
After a 1st warm soak, next one end of summer, 1st double indigo denim i'm fading, i wonder how much more contrast you get with a black weft fabric compared to a indigo one
Wow looks great @Raisinoux how many wears ?
Need to start wearing mine -
Wow looks great @Raisinoux how many wears ?
Need to start wearing mineAround 3 months with daily wear i would say, you will love it, It's not really heavy so it's almost OK to wear it in summer in France ^^
one of my alltime favourites too , love wabash
after the last wash I did yesterday
after the last wash I did yesterday
You have a lot more action than me around the pocket / collar, i'm jealous
Hello team,
This is my first post in a forum in more than 20 years…. I am glad is in this good community...
The question is @Giles do we have an ETA for western shirt or CPO?
Many thanks and have a great weekend
love it more and more 🥰
Emma and me
It is in production, but there are delays with the Wabash, so we have no timeframe at the moment I am afraid…
Don’t suppose that there is an update to ETA? Appreciate that the current ETAs are ‘flexible’.
Thanks for the update…