Cheers Ad I’ll take a look now ..
Mate when I run for MMRT ( Micky Morris Racing Team ) I was the slowest there lol those lads were incredible most run for Wales .Just looking at Strava got to scroll way back to 2016 to see anything decent from me. Tried to get back into it a few times but it never really stuck .
Thank you @Matt and thank you guys so much for the donation, it is really kind of you
@Jcaz6996 the occasion was epic, the atmosphere electric and it was quite emotional and very inspiring. I ran next to an old couple for a while who were pushing their son on a large stretcher with all sorts of medical equipment, the cheers and support they were getting made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I was holding back the tears, some people are just incredible. The run on the other hand, was painful and crap I made it around which was my goal, the final time was 4 hours 49 minutes. I was in agony from mile 16 and (sorry for too much info) but I wasn't able to go to the toilet on the day, my belly was causing me all sorts of trouble for the last 1.5 hours. But the crowd got me through, it took a huge amount of mental willpower so im very proud that its done, and I can safely say I will never EVER to one again. Though I have signed up for the 3 peaks challenge next year, which is the 3 highest peaks in the UK - Ben Nevis, Scaffell Pike and Mt Snowdon - in 24 hours glutton for punishment
@Jcaz6996 It is TCS London marathon now, im not sure what TCS is. The medals are really nice!
Legs are in bits, im normally a fast walker but I walked into work from the ferry (via a cafe for a bacon roll) and it took me about 5 times as long
My sister in law is a sports therapist and was going to give me a sports massage when I got home but I chose bed instead, probably not my finest decision
Well done @AdamC ! Congrats on the run and really nice pics of you and your support team .
Great job @AdamC finishing through difficulty is the glory of endurance events. The fast people have it easy, they are off the course quickly. The rest of us know what it means to come out the other side of a longer beating.