Scuba anyone?
I think a couple of guys on The Forum dive. I got certified back in 1987,when you had to learn dive tables and I think the program was developed,in some part by the Navy. Where will you do your checkout dives?
It's much easier nowadays. We have 16 hours theory and training in a tank here in Austria. Open water dives will be on the Maldives early next year. We will then receive an i.a.c. Open Water Diver license.
Thank you. I will start the day with Mas Huni…..
I'm curious about what,"oh fuck" moments… Glad you're alright G.
A few days ago I made Paula laugh so much whilst diving, that she flooded her regulator, swallowed a load of water and could not purge her reg. We were at about 18 metres and had to do an emergency ascent with P using my spare reg. I saw real fear in her eyes (which was when I realised she was not fooling around), but she handled herself amazingly well and never came close to panic. She was pretty shaken, but I am so proud of how she handled herself. The good news is that we had 2 amazing dives the following day, after the second dive I said to her, "if I see another bloody turtle, I'm going to throttle someone"….
Me doing a scooter dive without Paula. I buddied up with a new guy. First, we lost the main group, then I lost him and the main group. I looked for him and them for the "regulation" 60 seconds, then surfaced. I got back onto the boat, after a few seconds, the divemaster bobbed to the surface and asked me if I wanted to jump back in. I was so pissed off with myself and did not want to mess the groups dive up any further I declined and sat the rest of the dive out.
Chucking my fin onto the boat at the end of the dive, it bounced off back into the sea and started sinking. They're Japanese and about USD170 per pair, so I did not want to lose it. I vented air so I could sink below the boat, and most importantly the prop, only to see the captain dive into the water fully clad to try and retrieve it as it drifted down current and down down. He could not get it, so I finned with one fin and managed to get it, but I was in the blue, so had no reference point as to my depth, so had to keep a beady eye on my computer. I boarded the boat to a round of ironic applause, a lot of "what a complete twat" like comments, and as very wet captain….
So- good trip?
Amazing thank you. I put all that shit down to experience, I/we have analysed what we did wrong and what we could have done better. We will be better divers as a result.
Key takeaway, when I am trying to explain to Paula that the shark we have just seen is a guitar shark, do not play mad air guitar…...
No laughing at 30 meters
"what a complete twat"….
Wow, that's crazy. I figured you were going to say you had a closee call with a shark or something. I am terrified of deep water so I don't think I would be able to do that. Maybe but I am not keen to try anytime soon.
Those sweatpants are pretty great Alex, thanks
Key takeaway, when I am trying to explain to Paula that the shark we have just seen is a guitar shark, do not play mad air guitar…...
you should stop playing the fool..